Monday, November 02, 2009

P90X (Or, "Getting My Ass Kicked by Tony Horton")

So today I started on the vaunted P90X workout program. I have to admit that I'm usually HIGHLY skeptical of anything that I've seen on an informercial, but that stupid thing sucked me in immediately and never let go. I wasn't sure that I believed the TV hype, so I sent out a Facebook message a few weeks ago asking about people's experience with the program.

The responses were immediate and overwhelmingly positive. The most common response..."It totally kicked my ass, and I was exhausted after the workouts. But it WORKED!"

Fast-forward to a few weeks later, and I now have my very own - very borrowed - copy of the program (thanks Tim and Alyson!). I've finally read through all of the pre-work and the diet plan, and I've set myself up for success by getting most of the necessary items (skipped the protein bars and powders for now, but we'll see...).

Today was my first workout, and I'm here to tell you that Tony Horton WILL kick your ass! WOW! The first workout is chest and back, and consists of 12 different exercises performed twice. You run through the first set, then do the same exercises again in a different order. By the end of the first, I was almost completely exhausted and was absolutely dripping with sweat. My arms hurt, I was breathing insanely hard, and I thought I was going to barf. Then I had to go through it all AGAIN! I persevered, but there was no way that I was going to be able to keep up with the insane pace the guys (and gal!) on screen were keeping. Still, I made it through the first workout alive, and was pretty psyched for tomorrow...until I realized that there was still a 15-minute ab workout to do.

Are you kidding me? I may drop dead here on the floor, and you want me to do MORE? Alright, fine...but I'm NOT happy about it. Needless to say, the Ab Ripper X workout continued Tony Horton's (that's the host, by the way) butt-kicking. In the end, I was completely spent, and I actually ended up loving it.

We'll see how the rest of the program progresses, but if it's always this intense, I'm hoping to be ripped by next spring. BRING IT!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Bicentennial Quarters

So yesterday was ice cream day in Chris's class, and I had to dig up 50 cents for his weekly ice cream ration. I pulled out a couple of quarters, and realized that one of them was the 1976 Bicentennial Quarter. These quarters have always kind of had a special place in my heart, though I'm not really sure why. Maybe it's because they're from my birth year, or maybe I just thought the dude drumming on the back of the quarter was cool. Regardless, I thought I'd share my excitement with Chris.

I walked into the kitchen and said, "Look at this! This quarter was made in 1976! That means it's as old as I!" Chris got super excited for some reason, and said "OK...THAT is REALLY interesting!"

This may fall under the category of "you had to be there for it to be cute," but I'm telling was hilarious!

Friday, October 16, 2009

I'm Ready to Play!

Oops! Just realized I hadn't posted this one yet, either. Enjoy! :-)

Splish Splash!

Ohmygosh! I can't believe I forgot to post this video of Tyler's first bath. Too cute! :-)

First Monthly Appointment!

It's hard to believe it's already been a month since Tyler made his grand arrival, but here we are... So far, so good. He's growing like a little weed, and the cardiologist says his heart rate is doing great thanks to the medications we've got him on. We don't have to go back to see the cardiologist again until the three-month mark, so we're seeing that as a good thing.

We had Tyler's first monthly appointment with the pediatrician this morning, and it went great! He's 8 pounds, 15 ounces (amazingly enough, the same size Chris was at BIRTH!), and is just a shade over 20 inches long, which puts him in the 25th percentile for both height and weight. That should pick up quickly now that he's really starting to be a food hog.

Keep your eyes peeled for new pictures...we hit Portrait Innovations yesterday, and I'm planning to upload the CD full of photos sometime today. I've gotta' say, the folks at Portrait Innovations are absolutely incredible! Matthew is generally averse to having ANYONE take his picture, let alone complete strangers. Something about their crew, though, got him to open up and smile, and the pictures are amazing! :-)

That's all for now...

Monday, September 28, 2009

Welcome to the World, Baby Tyler!

OK...I should have posted this on September 12th, but I was a bit busy:

It’s with more excitement that I can even begin to communicate via e-mail that I make the following announcement: Tyler Sloan Johnston was born yesterday morning, Saturday, September 12th, at 6:40 AM. He weighs 7 pounds, 8 ½ ounces, and is 21 inches long. That’s the awesome news. The funky/not-so-great news, though, is that he spent all of yesterday in the ICU with an irregular heart rate. Not to worry, though…there’s a light at the end of that tunnel. Here’s a quick recap in case you’re not up to speed:

2:30 AM – Holly wakes me up to tell me that her water has broken
3:25 – We meet my mom and dad at the hospital, and pass the boys off to them
4:00 – 5:15 – Various tests, etc., to determine whether Holly’s water had, in fact, broken. The tests all came back negative, but the fetal heart rate monitor indicated a wildly varying heart rate (bouncing from 120 BPM to 250 BPM). The nurses called in the on-call physician, who verified via ultrasound that Holly’s water had, in fact, broken, and that there was no more amniotic fluid at all. She decided, therefore, that it was time to get Tyler out.
5:15 – Since there was so much confusion about the heart rates, the neonatologist was called in for a consult. The question being posed was whether we should go ahead and deliver at Northside Forsyth, or if we should head to Atlanta instead since they have a larger NICU. He decided that we’d be OK here, but that Tyler would most likely have to spend a day or so in the NICU for observation. Here’s the kicker…
5:30 – The anesthesiologist arrives for placement of the epidural in preparation for a 6:15 C-Section! Incredibly, we were slated for surgery less than 4 hours after Holly’s water broke!!
6:40 – Tyler is born. He weighs 7 pounds, 8 ½ ounces, and is 21 inches long. Aside from the funky heart rhythm, he’s perfectly healthy and completely adorable.
7:30 – Tyler is admitted into the NICU for observation, and is quickly diagnosed with SupraVentricular Tachycardia (Google it!), which essentially knocks the rhythm of the heart out of whack and causes it to spike unnaturally (hence the bounce from 120 to 250 and back). They put him on an IV drug to control the severity of it, and (ideally, anyway), to bring order out of the chaos. They also give him a tube in his mouth to provide an oral version of a similar drug. The idea there was to wean him off of the IV drug so that he could be treated via oral meds.

Fast-Forward to Saturday Night
6:00 – The meds aren’t doing their job, and Tyler’s heartbeat is still fluctuating wildly. The neonatologist and cardiologist decide that Tyler would be better-treated at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta…about 40 miles from here. OUCH!
7:30 – The final decision to transfer Tyler is made.
9:15 – The transfer team arrives and moves Tyler into a really cool transfer carrier (check out the picture). They take him downtown, and my mom and I follow.
11:30 – Tyler is officially admitted to the hospital, and is set up in the CICU (Cardiac Intensive Care Unit). They set Tyler up on a strong IV drip in conjunction with the oral meds. During this visit I actually get to HOLD Tyler, which is about the greatest experience of all! Finally, we’re exhausted and head back home to Forsyth for some much-needed sleep.

11:00 AM – I talk with the head nurse at Tyler’s new hospital, who fills me in on the night’s progress. His heart rate has stabilized, and they’re turning down the flow on his IV from 300 (of whatever unit of measure they’re using) to 200, with plans to be at 150 by 12:30. They’ve also taken him off of his oxygen. This is about the best news we’ve heard since 6:40 Saturday!
2:30 PM – I talk with the head nurse again, who tells me that Tyler is down to 50 on his IV, and they’re planning to have him completely off by 3:15. SWEET! The nurse also tells me that Tyler is watching football. “He told me that he wanted to watch the Falcons play the Dolphins, so I had to let him!” Loving this nurse at this point!
10:00 PM – Mom, Dad, and I take the boys down to the hospital for a quick visit. The boys aren’t actually allowed into the CICU right now, though, because of flu concerns. Bummer, but Tyler’s doing great, and is completely adorable.

That’s the latest for now. They’re hoping to have Tyler out of the CICU and into the Step-Down Nursery sometime today, and we’re planning to take Holly home sometime tomorrow. Holly and I can visit down there any time, and we’ll have classes with the nursing staff on how to take care of Tyler after we take him home. We’ll probably have to take CPR classes (we had to with Matthew since he was in the ICU…I think this is standard operating procedure), as well as classes on how to recognize SVT if he spikes in the future. He’ll most likely have to be on oral medications for the next six months to a year, but his long-term prognosis is excellent, and they say he’ll be perfectly healthy. PHEW!

Sorry for this being the world’s longest post, but I thought it’d be best to get all of the details out there in case you were curious. A HUGE thank-you to everyone who’s called, stopped by, sent text messages and/or Facebook messages, and generally been wonderfully supportive this weekend. We truly appreciate the incredible outpouring of love and support, and can’t wait to introduce Tyler to all of you soon!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Home Stretch, Baby!

First, this note from our friends at WebMD:

You're 37 Weeks Pregnant. Your baby is about 21 inches from head to toe and weighs almost 6.5 pounds. Pregnancy is getting rounded every day, and skin is getting pinker and losing its wrinkly appearance. Your baby's head is usually positioned down into the pelvis by now. Your uterus may stay the same size as it was for the last week or two. Your weight gain should be about as high as it will go, about 25 to 35 pounds. About this time, your doctor might perform a pelvic exam to help judge the progress of your pregnancy.

HA! Though we're officially considered to be in the "home stretch" at this point (2 weeks from yesterday!!), the last statement here cracks me up. Not because it's not accurate, mind's just that the idea that Holly would progress anywhere close to someting approximating labor is hilarious.

Chris basically held on to the umbillical cord for dear life, and Matthew showed absolutely NO signs of wanting to be born on time. Those experiences prompted our doctor to tell Holly, "I'm not even going to bother with the exams for the next couple of weeks unless you really feel like something's happening. Otherwise, all we're doing is making you uncomfortable." Now, THAT'S a great doctor! :-)

Two more weeks 'til Tyler's here!!!!!

Busy Bees...

First, this note from our friends at WebMD:

You're 36 Weeks Pregnant. Your baby measures about 20.7 inches from head to toe and weighs about 6 pounds. The baby may drop lower in your abdomen, usually assuming the head-down position. You're in the home stretch; after this week, you'll be seeing your doctor weekly. You may be alternating between feeling exhausted and having extra bursts of energy.

This last statement could hardly be more true. It's amazing to me that Holly can go from cleaning everything in sight and buzzing around the house like a demented bee (it's early...that's the best I've got!) to completely crashed in about 3 seconds. On the positive side, our house is getting VERY clean! The only negative side effect is that I'm starting to nest, too. So far, I've added a ceiling fan to our guest room, redone the guest bathroom, and painted my office/desk. Who knows what'll come next?

Just Breathe...

First, this note from our friends at WebMD:

You're 35 Weeks Pregnant. Your baby measures about 20.25 inches from head to toe and weighs more than 5.5 pounds. Lungs are almost fully developed, but if born now the baby would probably be put in an incubator. It still doesn't have enough fat deposits beneath its skin to keep warm outside your womb. Your uterus is about six inches above your navel. By now your weight gain is probably between 24 and 29 pounds. Discomfort and sleeping problems are common around this time. It won't be too much longer.

It's hard to believe that our little guy is almost done "cooking." Even more amazing is that, if he were born today, he'd be OK and ready to go. Can't wait to meet him!!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The...Penis on the Bus?!?!?

Chalk this one up to another proud moment for fathers everywhere...

This afternoon, Chris got off the bus and told me that the bus driver wanted to talk to me. I eyed him suspiciously (Chris, that is...not the driver), and asked him if he was in trouble. Naturally, he assured me that he had been a perfect angel all the way home, and that he couldn't possibly be in trouble...HA!

After all of the kids had climbed off of the bus, I warily approached to chat with the driver. He leans down close so that he's out of ear shot of the kids in the front seat, and says to me, "He (meaning Chris) was yelling 'PENIS' pretty loudly on the way home. I thought I'd let you take care of that one."

NICE, CHRIS! Obviously, we cornered him to see exactly what the heck he was thinking. Thinking quickly and blaming the powers of peer pressure, Chris assured us that yelling out "PENIS!" on the bus had been the brain child of some other kid named Gabe. We told him that, of course, yelling "PENIS!" on the bus is completely unacceptable, and that if anyone tells him that he should do it again, he is to tell them that it's inappropriate, and that he won't be doing it.

This CLEARLY falls into the category of "I need to yell at my kid, but I can barely keep a straight face while I'm doing it." They NEVER tell you that you're going to have to deal with things like this as a parent...consider yourself warned! :-)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Getting Closer Every Week!

First, this note from our friends at WebMD...

Congratulations, Holly! You're 33 weeks pregnant! Your baby measures about 19.4 inches from head to toe and weighs about 4.4 pounds. In the next few weeks, your baby will be growing rapidly. He will gain more than half his birth weight in the next
seven weeks. Baby begins to move less now as he runs our of room and curls up with knees bent, chin resting on chest, and arms and legs crossed. Of the pound a week you're gaining now, roughly half is going to your baby. witty comments this week. It's been a long week with Chris as school, and waking up at 6:00 AM has sapped my creative spirit a little bit. Maybe next time... :-)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Kindergarten: Let's Get It Started!

OK, OK, OK...I know this is basically a re-hash of the Pre-K video, just with up-to-date video and pictures, but the music is just too perfect NOT to use again! In fact, I think I may start using the same music every year for the beginning of school. This is mostly because I'm lazy, but also because - once again - the music is just too perfect!

That said, Holly and I officially have a kindergartener in the house! Chris started his first day at Chestatee Elementary this morning at 7:50. What? You think THAT'S early?!? HA! How about THIS?!? His school bus gets to the stop at about 6:45! YOWZA! We woke up at 6:00 this morning to have a little bit of breakfast, then cruised on up to the bus stop. We were lucky this morning to have Annie with us, which made the day all the more special. We've been seeing Annie and Hope off to school for 14 years now, and having her here was a really cool continuation of that tradition since we weren't able to see Hope off to her first day of her senior year (!!).

All in all, it went pretty smoothly. Matthew even woke up (mostly) for the trip to the bus stop - even if he DID cling to me most of the way there and back. :-) The bus finally showed at about 6:55, and the kids climbed aboard with a minimum of fuss. There was some slight jostling about for seats, etc., and then the bus was on its way.

The funny thing? No one cried... I guess we've just been steeling ourselves to the moment for so long that we were excited rather than emotional. Still, it's a pretty cool thing to know that Holly and I have raised such an incredible kid, and that he's off to school on the next big journey of his life. We can't wait for The Moo to start Pre-K next fall...WOW! We're getting OLD! :-)

The Great Outdoors

So last week, the boys and I decided that it would be fun to camp out in our front yard. Actually, our next door neighbor suggested that a campout with him and his little girl would be fun, but he ultimately ended up bailing out (sucker!). So...

...on Thursday afternoon the boys and I set out to pitch our tent in the front yard, and immediatedly called in friend reinforcements for a great time in the great outdoors. Chris's friend Griffin joined us for the festivities, and we couldn't have had more fun! The boys played in the yard until about 10:45, then we hit the tent for some shut-eye...yeah, right! Ever tried to get two five-year-olds and a three-year-old to go to sleep when YOU want them to? IMPOSSIBLE!

Instead, the boys decided they'd take turns telling scary stories. Chris (of course) started off with the tale of a witch who had lost her powers, and was searching all over for a new source of power (no idea where this came from!). Naturally, he had a flashlight under his chin, and ended all sentences with long, drawn-out woooooorrrrrddddsss...oooooohhhhh! Spoooooky! When he was done, he passed the light to Griffin, and the stories continued.

At about 11:30, we heard a strange growling coming from outside the tent. Needless to say, the boys were pretty freaked out, and all huddled against the side of the tent to see what was going on. The growling continued, and grew in both volume and ferocity, until... I shined the light outside to reveal that our neighbor, Alan (the one who bailed on us!) was the culprit! Sneakly little monkey, that Alan...

Anyway, the boys got a great kick out their little scare, and immediately incorporated the "bear" into the scary stories. I'm pretty sure I passed out somewhere in the middle of story time, but woke up at about 12:15 to find myself surrounded by conked-out kiddos. Needless to say, a great time was had by all...even if we WERE exhausted the next day!

You can check out more pictures from the evening by clicking here. Enjoy!
First, this note from our friends at WebMD:

Congratulations, Holly! You're 32 weeks pregnant! Your baby measures about 18.9 inches long from head to toe and weighs almost 4 pounds. It fills almost all the space in your uterus now. A layer of fat is forming under the thin, wrinkly skin. Baby's practicing opening his eyes and breathing. Most internal systems are well developed, but the lungs may still be immature.

We're getting closer and closer every day, and it seems like Tyler just keeps getting bigger and bigger. This note cracked me up because of the layer of fat that's forming under his "wrinkly skin." Makes me think of an old, fat person! :-)

Holly's doing great, and continues to amaze me with her perseverance. I don't know how you ladies do're truly incredible! By now, I'd have been reduced to a quivering mass of jelly, and I'd be complaining nonstop.

Until next time...

Thursday, July 30, 2009

First, this note from our friends at WebMD:

Congratulations, Holly! You're 31 weeks pregnant. Your baby measures about 18 inches long from head to toe and weighs about 3.5 pounds. Rather than hearing vibrations, his ears have matured enough that he can hear distinct sounds, like familiar voices and music. Your uterus now fills a large part of your abdomen, and you've probably gained between 21 and 27 pounds. You're probably feeling increasing excitement and anxiousness about the birth - - it won't be long now!

I'm fairly confident that Holly would agree with that last sentiment. Excitement and anxiousness are everywhere at our house right now! Mostly, I think Holly's ready to stop feeling like a beached whale (or the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man, depending on what day it is!). She's down to 4-day work weeks, and her day off is supposed to be a day of rest. So far, though, we've bought a car (last week...a 2004 Tahoe...sweet!) and gone to the science museum on her days off. I'm guessing that probably contributes to the high level of exhaustion that comes along with the excitement and anxiousness!

We're scheduled this weekend to take a tour of the beautiful new hospital where Tyler will be born, and we can't wait. Everyone we know who's had a baby there says it's absolutely gorgeous, and that it's basically a 5-star resort that just happens to have a women's health center attached. Awesome! More on that once we have pictures...

Until next time!

The Big Cheese!

School bus alert! Chris and the rest of his kindergarten compatriots got their first official ride on the big yellow cheese yesterday. What a great time! Holly and I even got to tag along for the ride, and we had a blast.
Mom, Hope, and Hope's friend Courtney came over at about 8:15 (they had to keep an eye on The Moo while we were gone), and we took our little posse down to the bus stop a little before 8:30. The bus showed up a few minutes later, and shuttled us off to the school. Once we got to school, we were treated to a great little safety video featuring (I'm not kidding here) ELVIS the Safey Owl! Elvis is apparently the king of good behavior on the school bus, and the kids will see a lot more of him in the first few weeks of school as they get used to being on the bus. We were also treated to donuts, which really made the whole morning from the kids' perspective.
We head back to school next Thursday for open house, then it's the first day of kindergarten on August 10th. I can't even begin to believe that our Little Buddy is already in kindergarted (wistful tear...). Where in the world did the past five years go?!?

Walk the Dinosaur!

We've been promising Chris a trip to "the dinosaur museum" (actually Fernbank Museum) all summer, and yesterday we finally came through for him. Fernbank has played host this summer to a travelling dinosaur exhibit (hence "the dinosaur museum"), and the boys couldn't have had more fun!

Before I get to the requisite video of their shenanigans, though, I have to share a quick story about Chris. We were standing in line in the little food court at Fernbank when, all of the sudden, Chris starts shaking his head back and forth really hard. I laughed at first because he looked a little stupid, but then it got a little strange. I finally grabbed him and asked what the heck he was doing...

"DAD! I have too many smarts in my head, and I have to shake them all out to make room for new smarts!" Can't argue with that... :-)

Enjoy the video...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Chubby Chia Baby!

First, this note from our friends at WebMD...

Congratulations, Holly! You're 30 Weeks pregnant. Your baby measures about 17 inches from head to toe and weighs about 3 pounds. Baby is growing plumper and beginning to control its own body temperature. Eyebrows and eyelashes are fully developed, and hair on the head is getting thicker. Head and body are now proportioned like a newborn's. Hands are now fully formed, and fingernails are growing. Your uterus is about four inches above your navel, and it's hard to believe you still have about 10 weeks to go. You may be feelingmore discomfort in your pelvis and abdomen now, and you can expect to gain about a pound a week from now until delivery.

It's pretty incredible to me that Tyler will gain anywhere from 5 to six more pounds before he's born (based on Chris and Matthew's birth weights), especially since the little booger already appears to be getting so big. He's been doing backflips and cartwheels for several weeks now and, despite what last week's update said, appears to show no interest in slowing down in his acrobatic adventures. Holly's doing pretty well, as long as she can keep moving. She pretty much crashes as soon as she stops going, so we sort of have to keep her in a state of perpetual motion unless we want her to go all narcoleptic on us. :-)

Chris and Matthew have really gotten into the spirit of the pregnancy, and they're starting to really show an interest in Tyler's growth. They even talk to him through Holly's belly's WAY too cute! It remains to be seen whether Matthew will fully embrace having a little brother. He's been the baby for the last three years, and he's not really used to having other people steal the limelight. Still, it was pretty much the same for Chris, and he's been an AMAZING big brother, so I guess we'll see.

On an amusing note, stop by Andrea's blog for a second to see the sort of effect this pregnancy is having on other families. Her account of Annabeth's curiosity about babies it great!

Finally, I just think it's hilarious that Tyler's hair is starting to fill in. For whatever reason, I can just picture the little guy in there with a sprig of hair that miraculously sprouts into a glorious head of hair. Chia-Pet, anyone? :-) There's also something hysterical about the phrase, "Baby is growing plumper." Not sure why...

Monday, July 13, 2009

Ol' Blue Eyes...

First, this note from our friends at WebMD...

Congratulations, Holly! You're 29 weeks pregnant. Your baby measures about 10.4 inches from crown to rump, or a total length of about 16.7 inches from head to toe, and weighs about 2.7 pounds. At this stage, a fetus's eyes are almost always blue and can distinguish bright sunlight or artificial light through the wall of the uterus. Baby is performing fewer acrobatics as conditions in the womb have become cramped now that he is getting bigger. Your uterus is about 3.5 to 4 inches above your navel. Weight gain is probably between 19 and 25 pounds. If born now, your baby could probably survive outside the womb - although in a neonatal intensive-care unit.

How amazing is it that they know that almost all babies have blue eyes at this stage of development? Guess that's why they call 'em Baby Blues, huh? The whole thing made me think of Frank Sinatra, which made me think of Frank Sinatra, Jr.'s cameo role on (once again!) Family Guy. Check it out!

Again, I never cease to be amazed by what doctors are able to discern about kids who are still in the womb. I also got a kick out of the "Baby is performing fewer acrobatics..." First of all, all I can picture is a baby flying across the Big Top on a trapeze or something. Second, Tyler seems to be kicking Holly more frequently (and with more ferocity) than ever before. Maybe the WebMD guys are wrong about that...

Friday, July 10, 2009

Shamon! (with apologies to Adam Selzer)

So the other day I turned on the TV only to find (on every stinkin' CHANNEL!) the Michael Jackson memorial service. Chris happened to be sitting next to me at the time, and says, "Who's that?" I gave him a quick overview of Mikey and his musical legacy, and quickly (though vaguely) explained what was going on. Chris takes another look at The King of Pop and says, "Wow. Michael Jackson is handsome. I'm sure glad he's dead, or Annabeth might want to marry HIM!"


Tuesday, July 07, 2009

What Do Babies Dream About?

First, this note from our friends at WebMD...

Congratulations, Holly! You're 28 weeks pregnant. Your baby measures about 10 inches from crown to rump, or a total length of about 15.75 inches from head to toe, and weighs about 2.4 pounds. He is able to dream when sleeping, and his eyelids open and close. His lungs are almost fully developed, so there's a good chance that your baby would survive if born prematurely. Your uterus extends well above your navel. As your baby gets bigger and stronger this month, you may experience leg cramps and mild swelling of ankles and feet, difficulty sleeping, shortness of breath, lower abdominal aches, clumsiness or scattered Braxton Hicks contractions (hardening and relaxing of the uterus). These contractions are normal, but if they start showing a pattern, call your health care provider.

First of all, how amazing is it that babies can DREAM while they're still in-utero? Second of all...what the heck do you suppose they dream ABOUT? They don't have any life experience to speak of, other than that of growing progressively larger every day, so that really only leaves memories of the fertilization process itself. Ick...

Also amazing to me is that women can handle all of the ridiculous things that come along with being pregnant. Holly is currently experiencing all of the maladies listed by WebMD, AND she has to deal with ME! This is no small feat, ladies and gentlemen. The only thing that men have to compare this amount of discomfort to is being kicked in the, uh, nether-region. While this is excrutiatingly painful, the pain (and subsequent nausea) only lasts for about an hour or so after the fact. You ladies deal with this nonsense for NINE MONTHS! Incredible...

That's enough canonization of women for one day, but seriously...I'm impressed that anyone lives to tell about being pregnant!

Monday, June 29, 2009

It Starts...

First, a note from friends at WebMD...

Congratulations, Holly! You're 27 weeks pregnant. Your baby measures about 9.6 inches from crown to rump, and weighs a little more than 2 pounds. Hands are active and muscle coordination is such that he can get his thumb into his mouth. Thumb-sucking calms the baby and strengthens his cheek and jaw muscles. Your baby can cry now, too.

OK, thumb-sucking jokes aside here, how wrong is it that kids can start crying when we can't even HEAR them?!? Is it not enough that Tyler will spend the majority of his first few months engaged in this very activity (when he's not eating, sleeping, or pooping, that is)? No, no...gotta' have some in-utero crying to go along with it, too. WOW!

Even funnier in this? That's it's just sort of thrown in there as some sort of after thought! "Oh, and by the know that sound that's going to keep you to a maximum of two hours of sleep for the first three months of your baby's life? He's making it NOW...and he's PISSED about it!"

For whatever reason, this post totally me think of the Family Guy episode where the family is celebrating Stewie's first birthday. Stewie has a flashback to his in-utero days, and it's priceless. Enjoy!

Family Guy - Stewie's Birthday
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More Dancing Babies...or Ooga Chaka, Ooga Chaka!

First, this note from our friends at WebMD...

Congratulations, Holly! You're 26 weeks pregnant. Your baby measures about 9.2 inches from crown to rump and weighs almost 2 pounds now. Its hearing is full developed. As the fetus reacts to sounds, its pulse increases. Your baby will even move in rhythm to music. Lungs are growing but are not yet mature. Patterns of your baby's brain waves appear like a full-term newborn. It also has patterns of sleeping and waking. The baby's constant movements should be reassuring. You'll be putting on weight at the rate of about 1 pound per week now. You may be feeling some rib pain as your baby grows and pushes upward on your rib cage. admittedly I've already blogged about dancing babies. In restrospect, I now feel sort of ripped off that I went that route so early. So, if you want to see a dancing baby video, please feel free to click here to see my earlier post.

In the meantime, I find it hard to believe that:
A. Tyler will have rhythm at all given his parents, and
B. That his moving "in rhythm to music" would look anything unlike the following...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

And Now Here's Something We Hope You'll Really Like...

Sorry for the Rocky and Bullwinkle theme...something got me going on that earlier today, and now it's just stuck in my head.

And now here's something I hope you'll really update from our friends at WebMD!

Congratulations, Holly! You're 25 Weeks Pregnant. Your developing baby now measures about 8.8 inches from crown to rump and weighs 1.5 pounds. Skin now becomes opaque instead of transparent. Its body is still covered with folds of skin like a puppy that need to grow into its skin. The heartbeat can be heard through a stethoscope or, depending on the position of the baby, by others putting an ear against your belly. Besides your uterus growing upward, it may be getting bigger on the sides of your abdomen.

24-Week Update (It's late, I'm tired, and I can't think of a creative title!)

And now this note from our friends at WebMD:

Congratulations, Holly! You're 24 Weeks Pregnant. Your baby measures around 8.4 inches from crown to rump and weighs about 1.2 pounds. He is starting to produce white blood cells, an important component of blood that is responsible for combating disease and infection, and may respond to your touch or sounds. Your uterus is about 1.5 to 2 inches above your navel. Expect to gain about a pound per week this month. Tests for detecting gestational diabetes are given between now and 28 weeks.

I'm not sure if it's just because it's late (a little after midnight) or if I'm just insane, but the idea that Tyler can hear things going on around him is just awesome to me...and totally makes me think of Stewie Griffin's iPod commercial on Family Guy. :-)

Monday, June 01, 2009

Wrinkled Old Bag Lookin' Like A Sharpei

First, this note from our friends at WebMD...

You're 23 Weeks Pregnant. Your baby measures about 8 inches from crown to rump and weighs almost 1 pound. His body is starting to look more like a newborn, but his skin is still wrinkled as more weight is to be gained. By now, there is no mistaking that you are pregnant and you have likely gained about 12 to 15 pounds. If you have aches in the small of your back, consider treating yourself to a pregnancy massage or apply a warm (not hot) heating pad or hot water bottle for a short period of time to the area.

Let me first say that I think it's a bit presumptuous of the WebMD folks to assume that all husbands are kind enough to provide their loving wives with a trip to the spa for a pregnancy massage. Maybe they've got some sort of arrangement with the Spa Sidell folks or something. Hmmm....

Second, I think it's hilarious that Tyler has essentially not grown into his own skin yet. For whatever reason, all I can picture when I think of this is one of those wrinkly little sharpeis...

And why the bizarre title to this post? It's a shout out to our good friend, Will "The Fresh Prince" Smith, from his classic 1991 ode to old drivers, "You Saw My Blinker!"

We both pulled off on the side of the road

I was hot ready to explode

The only thing stopping me from breaking her nose

Was I was 21 and she was ninety years old

Then the police came turned the lights off

The lady started crying and the cop got soft

The cop said oh it'll be okay

Wrinkled old bag looking like a sharpei...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Chris graduated from Pre-K last week. HOORAY! I'll post more information on this later, but I thought I'd post the video for now. Enjoy! :-)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Do A Little Dance...Get Down Tonight!

First, this note from our friends at WebMD...

You're 22 Weeks Pregnant. Your baby measures about 7.6 inches and weighs about 12.3 ounces. His muscles are getting stronger, and his eyelids and eyebrows have developed. Your baby's acrobatics are pretty constant, and since he responds to sound, rhythm and melody, you can try singing and talking to him. After he's born, the same sounds may soothe him. Your uterus is continuing to grow, but you're probably feeling pretty good -- no more morning sickness, and your abdomen isn't so large that it's getting in the way very much. But many women experience leg and foot cramps, as well as mild swelling of ankles and feet, around this time.

I think it's absolutely incredible that Tyler is already forming a love for music. On the other hand, the image that keeps popping into my head is that crazy dancing baby from Ally McBeal! :-)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Mah Name's Tahler...But Y'all Can Call Me Bubba!

First, this note from our friends at WebMD...

You're 21 Weeks Pregnant. Your baby measures about 7.2 inches from crown to rump and weighs about 10.5 ounces. He is steadily gaining fat to keep warm. Growth rate is slowing down but organ systems, like digestion, are continuing to mature. A waxy film, called the vernix caseosa, is being produced by your baby's oil glands and covers the skin to keep it supple in the amniotic fluid. Buds for permanent teeth are beginning to form. Friends, relatives, and even strangers can probably tell you're pregnant by now. Your uterus is starting to extend above your navel. You've likely gained between 10 and 14 pounds.

Before continuing on, I think it's important to note Holly's response to this post. She's generally felt like everyone on Earth (and maybe even NASA astronauts thanks to the Hubble telescope) can tell that she's pregnant for the past several weeks. To say that she was shocked to hear that people might (just now) be able to tell that she's pregnant is perhaps the understatement of the century!

Anyway...I love the idea that Tyler's beginning to develop "buds for permanent teeth." That sort of makes it sound like he's growing some of those Hillbilly Teeth that you can buy in gas station gumball machines. :-)

Note to family members who are reading sure to ask Ann about the teeth she wore the first time she met Holly's mom. Hilarious!!

20-Week Update

From our good friends at WebMD...

You're 20 Weeks Pregnant. You're at about the midpoint of your pregnancy. Your
baby measures about 5.6 to 6.4 inches from crown to rump and weighs about 9
ounces. He can hear sounds by now - so talk to your baby often. Baby will even
cover his ears with his hands if a loud sound is made near you, and he may even
become startled and "jump." Your baby is moving often, too -- twisting, turning,
wiggling, punching and kicking. Can you feel him? Your uterus is just about even
with your navel and your waistline has pretty much disappeared. But don't worry,
it is only temporary!

I'm lazy today, so there's nothing clever about this post. As they say, "just the facts, ma'am!" Until next time...

I Just Have Too Many Interesting Things to Say!

So a couple of weeks ago, Chris had notes on his daily reports that said he was "chatty" at nap time, meaning that he was probably keeping some poor kid from getting his or her daily ration of sleep (and - more importantly - keeping his teacher from getting her daily ration of sanity!). This went on for two or three days, and when I finally asked him why he kept being so chatty he replied, "I just have too many important things to say, and I have to get them out!"

How hilarious is that?!?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


First, this (slightly belated) note from our friends at WebMD...

You're 19 Weeks Pregnant. Your baby measures about 5.2 to 6 inches from crown to
rump and weighs about 7 ounces. The baby's skin is developing and is transparent, appearing red because of the visible blood vessels. A creamy white protective coating, called vernix, is also developing. As your baby continues to grow, you may be feeling some mid-pregnancy aches and pains -- lower abdominal achiness, dizziness, heartburn, leg cramps, mild swelling of ankles and feet, and a backache are all normal. Dilated blood vessels might cause tiny, temporary red marks (called spider nevi) on your face, shoulders and arms.

Admittedly, I'm a little creeped out by the "creamy white protective coating." It sounds like someone slathered Tyler in suntan lotion or something. Who knows? Maybe ultrasound waves can give you a nasty burn...

Regardless, the idea that Tyler's skin is still transparent and a little red reminded me of the scene in the first X-Men movie where Senator Kelly gets turned into a mutant by Magneto, only to have the mutation fail completely, ultimately resulting in his disintegration into a gelatinous mass on Dr. Grey's table. NASTY stuff, but a VERY cool effect!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Like A Rock...

Last weekend, we decided it would be cool to celebrate Mother's Day a week early by having lunch with my aunt, uncle, cousin, and granda out in Stone Mountain. Since we weren't planning to eat until 2:30, though, we decided it would be cool to take the boys out to Stone Mountain Park. What a great experience!

We hadn't really been out to the part since they underwent massive renovations and privatization, and I have to say it was exceptionally cool. There's a whole village now that's filled with shops and historic activities, and they're really done a great job revamping the place. By far, our favorite spot was the glass blowing exhibition. We must have stood there for 15 minutes while this guy turned a two-inch blob of liquid glass into an absolutely beautiful vase. Truly mind-blowing!

It was also cool to walk around the base of the mountain. On either side, there are memorials to the fallen soldiers of the Confederacy, and there are lots of really great quotes engraved in the walkways. I'm not Southern by birth, but I have to say that if you had ties to the Confederate South, this would be like Mecca for you, I think.

It was interesting to see Chris and Matthew's reaction to things, too. Since he's still pretty young, I think most of the symbolism of the Mountain went over his head. Chris, though (in typical fashion), was fascinated by the whole affair and had tons of questions. Most interesting was his confusion over the idea of war, and why people were killing each other. Holly did a really amazing job of explaining it to him, though. She said, "Sometimes people believe in something so strongly that they're willing to die for it, and sometimes people love something or someone so much that they're willing to die for that, too. These people loved their country so much, and believed so strongly in what they thought was right, that they were willing to die for it." Even cooler, though, was how Holly worked in Chris's apparent religious zealotry. She told him, "It's kind of like how Jesus loved us so much that he was willing to die for us." Very cool!

Enough bragging about my wife and kids, though. On to the video! Enjoy... :-)

The Moo Turns Three!

WOW is this post ever late! Matthew, or The Moo as he's become affectionately known (for reasons known only to Holly), turned three last month. It's a little ridiculous that I'm just getting around to posting this video in celebration, but I'm sure we'll all move on...right? RIGHT?!? that that's out of the way...

The Moo turning three was absolutely cause for celebration, and celebrate we did! It turns out that our neighbor's daughter's birthday falls just a few days before Matthew's, so we organized a dual birthday party for the two of them. It was AWESOME! We tag-teamed with our neighbor to rent a moonwalk for the day, and the kids absolutely wore themselves out. This had to be the single coolest moonwalk ever, by the way. Not only did it have a full-scale jump zone, it also had two basketball hoops (one inside, and one outside) and slide. Seriously...awesome!

We grilled out burgers and hot dogs, and stuffed our guests full of cake and goodies. There was also the requisite beverage for all three-year-old birthday! :-) By the end of the day, parents and kids were completely exhausted, and a good time was had by all.

If you're reading this and were present for the festivities, thanks so much for making The Moo's third birthday a great one. We had an absolute blast, and we're thrilled to have such a great group of friends and family.

Enjoy the video!

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Drama at the Prom-A

This weekend was my youngest sister's junior prom. First, let me say just how much it boggles my mind that Hope is already a Junior in high school. I would swear that it was just last week that she was running after the school bus on Annie's first day of school, wishing her sister would come back to her. Of course, that all ended about thirty seconds later, when she famously said to my mom, "HA! Now I get to play with ALL the toys!"

Fast forward a decade and change, and she's all grown up into a beautiful young woman.

Granted, she's still playing with all the toys now that Annie's off at college (another mindbender), but we'll save that for later. Here's where the drama comes in!

Hope and her friends were all set for group pictures on Saturday, when all of the sudden it started to rain. The mass hysteria of flash-happy parents that made of the original photo shoot was therefore forced to move over to a local country club where one (or more) of the group had a membership. Pictures were snapped by the bazillion inside, but then we got lucky and the rain broke off. This is where it got interesting...

As it turned out, the best place to take group pictures was adjacent to the golf course. Also nearby...the golf cart garage! As you can imagine, Chris and Matthew were absolutely fascinated by the carts, especially since they seemed to be SO kid-friendly! Dad was wise enough to go around to the various carts and turn the keys to the "off" position, and the boys found themselves squarely in hog heaven. There were smiles all around, and a general calm fell over them as they pictured themselves hurtling along at breakneck speeds with Lightning McQueen and the gang.

Fast forward about 15 minutes and an untold number of cart returns...

We'd left the cart area for a few minutes to take pictures in other locations, and had just returned the cart corral. Naturally, the boys headed straight back to their favorite new toys and hopped aboard.
As an aside, I feel it's incumbent upon me at this point to mention that we'd spent the better part of the early afternoon at Chuck E. Cheese's for a birthday party. Chuck E. Cheese's, as you may know, is famous for its selection of kid-friendly video games...including driving simulators. This is important...

Anyway, there we all are, standing in awe of our suddenly waaaaay-too-adult-looking sisters/daughters/granddaughters/aunts/whatever, when all of the sudden out the corner of my eye I see...wait for it...

Matthew DRIVING a GOLF CART across the parking area and heading straight for a small pond!! Superhuman speed took over my parentally-exhausted body, and I flew across the parking area to leap into the cart with The Moo. I slammed on the brakes, sending Matthew flying into my arms, and promptly asked Matthew just what the heck he was thinking. Naturally, panic took over at that point, and poor Matthew just broke down crying. Also naturally (since crying kids and a death-defying leap into a golf cart are hysterical to adults), everyone else present completely cracked up...myself included.

By the time all was said and done, Matthew was convinced that he's the next race car champion of the world, and I was convinced that he'll NEVER get near another wheeled vehicle as long as he lives.

Guess we'll have to see...they DO race GoKarts over at the fairgrounds on the weekends. Maybe there's a future there after all! :-)


OK, so there's not really an overly cute story or intricate background to these pictures, but... I came up to kiss the boys goodnight before heading off to bed the other night, and this is how I found them. How cute is that?!?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Pretty Woman? Not so much...

And now, this note from our friends at WebMD...

You're 18 Weeks Pregnant. Your baby measures 5 to 5.6 inches from crown to rump and weighs about 5.25 ounces. The rapid growth spurt is tapering off, but reflexes are kicking in. He can yawn, stretch and make facial expressions, even frown. Taste buds are beginning to develop and he can now distinguish sweet from bitter. The baby can suck and swallow, and he may even get the hiccups. The eyes have become sensitive to light, so if a bright light is shined on your belly, baby will probably turn away. Your uterus, about the size of a cantaloupe, can be felt just below your navel. You're most likely feeling the baby move at this time. A mid-pregnancy ultrasound may be performed between now and 22 weeks to assess your baby's growth and development and to verify the due date. If the baby is in the right position, the ultrasound may even be able to determine the baby's sex.

It's truly amazing to me that:

  1. Babies can taste in-utero

  2. Anyone knows this...

How is it even remotely possible to figure out that a baby can differentiate between sweet and bitter? Do they have some sort of in-utero taste test? Perhaps a Pre-Natal Pepsi Challenge? I just can't get my head around it.

I also think it's hilarious that he's sensitive to light. Makes me think of the late, great ROy Orbison, and his aversion to bright light (hence the shades). Anyone? Anyone? Maybe it's just me...

Anyway, it appears that Tyler is growing like a little weed, and everything's going great. More updates to come!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Waiting to Exhale

First, this update from our friends at WebMD...

Your baby measures about 4.4 to 4.8 inches from crown to rump and has doubled its weight in the last two weeks to about 3.5 ounces. Fat begins to form aiding heat production and metabolism, the lungs are beginning to exhale amniotic fluid, and the circulatory and urinary systems are working. Hair continues to grow on baby's head and his eyebrows and eyelashes are filling in. You're showing more, with an obvious swelling in your lower abdomen. A five- to 10-pound weight gain is typical by now. You also may be noticing an increase in appetite.

First, a quick disclaimer...if you do NOT want to know whether we're having a boy or a girl, I suggest that you lose this link TODAY. I plan to reveal that information in just a second. But's amazing to me that we begin our lives encased in what can only be described as "warm liquid goo." Even more amazing is that we seem to have no problem breathing in there. According to WebMD, our newest little monkey started exhaling this stuff just this week...what the heck was going on before that? Incredible!

All that stuff aside, here's the big news:

That's right. Apparently, the Johnston genes just aren't meant to be passed along to girls! We had an ultrasound appointment through a friend last Friday, and everything looks great. Everything is where it's supposed to be, and he's looking perfectly healthy so far. We even have a name picked out...Tyler Sloan Johnston. Sloan is Holly's maiden name, and would have been Tyler's middle name even if he'd been a girl. The Tyler part of the equation is a little harder to explain.

Holly and I had a really hard time coming up with names for a boy this time around since most of the names we might normally have chosen had already been taken by family or friends (Aaron, Andrew, Thomas, Joseph). It seemed like we were forever bouncing names off of one another, until the name Tyler just sort of popped into my head a little while after we left our appointment. It seemed to really hit the right spot with both Holly and me, and now we can't imagine how we didn't think of it right away.

I'll upload some pictures from the ultrasound soon, and will continue to update everyone on the weekly progress of Tyler's development. In the meantime...Welcome Baby Tyler! We can't wait to meet you in person, and we already love you more than you'll ever know! :-)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

There Can Be Only One!

First, the weekly update from our friends at WebMD...

You're 16 Weeks Pregnant. Your baby now measures about 4.3 to 4.6 inches from crown to rump and weighs about 2.8 ounces. Fingernails are well-formed and the fine hair, called lanugo, continues to grow on the head. Arms and legs are moving, the nervous system is functioning and muscles are responding to
stimulation from your baby's brain. You may be able to hear the baby's heartbeat
in the doctor's office. Your uterus has grown significantly by now and weighs about 8.75 ounces. Within the next few weeks you may start to feel your baby move, called "quickening." It's often described as a gas bubble or subtle fluttering movement. As it happens more regularly, you'll know it's your baby.

It's hard to believe that we're already 16 weeks along. As a not-so-casual point of interest here, we're hoping to find out the baby's gender later this week. Keep your fingers crossed! In the meantime, I'm completely amused by the "quickening" reference here. The movie and TV fans among us may recall a similar term from the "Highlander" series of films and TV shows (you'll also understand the "There Can Be Only One" title reference here). "The Quickening" was used to describe the effect of one Highlander taking the power of another once he had killed the other (not pleasant, perhaps, but GREAT effects!), and led me to think of Sean Connery's role in the first "Highlander" movie. For that reason, James Bond/Ramirez gets a place of honor here at Damn...That Kid's Funny!

More to come later this week, I hope!

Monday, April 06, 2009

Captain Caveman (or Cavewoman...we'll see)!!

From the good folks at WebMD...

Your fetus now measures about 4.1 to 4.5 inches from crown to rump and weighs
about 1.75 ounces. Its body is covered by an ultrafine hair, called lanugo,
which is usually shed by birth. Eyebrows and hair on the top of the head are
beginning to grow and his bones are getting harder. He may even be sucking his
thumb by now.

Not only is it pretty incredible how quickly this kid has gone from the size of a pea to almost four-and-a-half inches long, but I'm cracked up by the idea of all of the little hairs. For whatever reason, I'm picturing Captain Caveman from the old USA Cartoon Express. Anyone? Anyone? Maybe it's just me...

Thursday, April 02, 2009

The Fight Against Fat-Assery...Update

In my continuing efforts to combat Fat-Assery, I'm pleased to announce that I'm officially down to 204 pounds! That's an 18-pound difference since I started keeping track back in January.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled insanity. Have a nice day...

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Magic Kingdom in the Sky

It's no secret that I'm a huge fan of a capella music, so it shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone to know that a song by one of my favorite (though apparently now defunct) groups, Da Vinci's Notebook, was stuck in my head for most of the morning today. The song, "Magic Kingdom in the Sky," is a hilarious gospel-style tune extolling the many virtues of Disney World, and it absolutely REFUSED to get out of my brain. Naturally, I had to do something about that.

So...I proudly present to you a slideshow of our 2008 (!!) trip to Disney World, set to the music of Da Vinci's Notebook. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Is Holly Baking an Office Drone?!?

First, a quick baby update from the good folks at WebMD...

You're 14 Weeks Pregnant. Your baby measures about 3.2 to 4.1 inches from crown to rump and weighs almost an ounce. The ears are shifting from the neck to the sides of the head, and the neck is getting longer and chin more prominent. Facial features and unique fingerprints are all there. Your baby is beginning to respond to outside stimuli. If your abdomen is poked, the fetus will try to wriggle away. You're probably wearing maternity clothes - or at least looser fitting ones -- now. Your skin and muscles are starting to stretch to accommodate your growing baby.

First of all, how cool is it that our baby already has fingerprints? This kid could totally be busted by the CSI folks! Second, I think it's absolutely hilarious that our ears start out on our neck, and move their way up to our head. For some reason, that made me picture Dilbert... :-)

And now, for the coolest story of the day. I'm actually kind of glad that we didn't get this e-mail update until Monday, because it made Sunday's events that much cooler. We FINALLY got our lazy butts back to church this weekend, and it appears that our little Dilbert wanna-be really enjoyed it. About 10 minutes into the message, Holly turned to me and said, "The baby really likes Shawn! This is the most I've ever felt it move!" How COOL is that? Now, not only do we have ourselves a master evangelist in Christopher, but it appears our new baby will be preaching from the mountain tops, too!

Until the next update, then...adios!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

BroncoBlog...Keep Up With Buddy's Baseball

In case you're interested, you can keep up with Chris's baseball team (and their exploits), at BPBroncoBlog, the official site of the Bennett Park Blue Broncos. Click here to check out all the action!

Chris (left) and his friend Griffin.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Georgia Peach...or Stewie Griffin? I was a little wigged out by today's update from WebMD. More on that in a second. First, the update:

You're 13 weeks pregnant. Your fully formed fetus, now in about its 11th week of
development, measures 2.6 to 3.1 inches from crown to rump and weighs between half an ounce and seven-tenths of an ounce -- about the size of a peach. The head is still disproportionately bigger than the body, but the rest of the body is starting to catch up. In fact, your baby is growing rapidly these days. The face is starting to look more human, with eyes moving closer together. Toes and fingers are clearly separate, and ankles and wrists have formed. External genitalia are becoming visible. Intestines are shifting into their proper place, too. Your uterus is filling your pelvis now and starting to grow upward into your abdomen. It probably feels like a soft, smooth ball. If you haven't put on weight yet because of morning sickness, you'll begin to now as you start to feel better.

Before I get into why I was wigged out, let me first say how exciting it is to know that our little Georgia Peach is starting to develop so wonderfully. It's truly amazing to know what's going on inside Holly's body right now, especially since the outwards signs have been so minimal so far (other than the morning sickness, of course!). That said..."The head is still disproportionately bigger than the rest of the body" really freaks me out. It sounds like we've got Stewie Griffin in there or something! Is our little Georgia Peach actually a scheming hellion bent on world domination?

Guess we'll have to see...

Friday, March 20, 2009

Ultrasound Photos!

As promised, below are a couple of shots from our ultrasound earlier this week. If you've never seen an ultrasound before, you'd be better off looking at the picture on the bottom...I've outlined the baby's profile in red to make it a little more clear. Enjoy! :-)

Spring Baseball!

What a great first game we had on Wednesday! We travelled all the way down to Midway Park, where we played the Midway Yellow Jackets. Unfortunately, the other team didn't have enough players to field a full roster, and they were forced to forfeit. Fortunately, they had just enough players to make things interesting, and we were able to have a short scrimmage game with them.

The boys did a great job with both hitting and fielding. There was an especially high level of enthusiasm in the infield, where most ground balls were met with a dog-pile of players chasing the ball down. One of the boys actually got kicked in the face, and suffered a bloody lip! Who knew baseball could be so dangerous?!? :-)
Chris went 1-for-2, but he hit the ball without using the tee both times. On his first at-bat, he actually hit the first pitch for a single! He got thrown out (more like run down) at first during his second at-bat, and was none too happy about it. He thought that the first baseman cheated by stepping on the base and touching him with the ball, so he stalked over to the dugout, then resolutely kicked the dirt before taking a seat. It was hilarious!

We've got another game tonight, and I'm hopeful that the chaos will be somewhat more organized. We'll see...

Here are a few pictures from Wednesday night (thanks Hopie!). Enjoy!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

In-Utero Shrinkage

How's THAT for an attention-getting header?!? There'll be a more in-depth discussion of it later in this post...

We're now officially 12 weeks along! Hard to believe that poor Holly has been fighting exhaustion for nearly 3 months already, but it's true. First, here's what the good folks at WebMD have to say about things. Then, on to the shrinkage!

You're 12 Weeks Pregnant. Your baby now measures about 2.5 inches from crown to rump and weighs between three-tenths of an ounce and half an ounce. It is fully formed, from tooth buds to toenails. Your baby's job now is to continue to grow big and strong. With the most critical time in your baby's development behind you, the chance of miscarriage drops considerably after this week. Nausea and energy start to improve but occasional headaches, dizziness and fatigue from hormone changes may be present. If it's your first baby, you still could be wearing loose-fitting clothes, but if you've had other pregnancies, you most likely are back in maternity clothes. The typical weight gain by now is about three to five pounds. Fathers-to-be might also experience pregnancy symptoms, called couvade or "hatching," during the third month and at delivery, including nausea, abdominal pain, appetite changes and weight gain.

So, what was all that about in-utero shrinkage again? Here's the deal... We had our 12-week appointment yesterday to make sure that everything's going along swimmingly, and were lucky enough to have another ultrasound (pictures are forthcoming, I promise). The purpose of this ultrasound was to test for any emerging birth defects, Down Syndrome, etc., but it also had the really cool side effect of showing us a great profile of our baby. First, let me say that this child appears to be absolutely every bit as adorable as Chris and Matthew. In fact, he/she puts his/her little hand right up to his/her little face just like both of the boys did in their ultrasounds. Hilarious!

Here's where it gets interesting. We got to see the baby from all sorts of interesting angles, including a lower-body shot. At 12 weeks, it'd be a minor miracle to be able to determine the baby's gender; however, there's always a slight chance. Our technician essentially said that she didn't see anything to indicate this baby is a boy; HOWEVER, she said that it's very common for the boy parts (this IS a family-friendly blog, after all!) to HIDE inside the body due to temperature fluctuations, etc. So basically, if we've got a boy here, it's suffering from in-utero shrinkage. WOW! On the other hand, it could also be a girl...hmmmmmm....

Guess we'll just have to wait and see on this one. We're not technically supposed to be able to find out until we're at 20 weeks, but we may have an in-route with a guy at work whose wife is an ultrasound tech. She got us in at 16 weeks with Matthew, and was able to tell us his gender at that point. Keep your eyes and ears peeled, folks...this is starting to get interesting! :-)

Monday, March 09, 2009

Pregnant Again in Margaritaville!

WHAT?!? Did Brian just make a reference to margaritas in conjunction with being pregnant?!? What the heck is WRONG with this guy?!?

Not to worry, everyone. This post's title is merely a reference to the fact that, as of this week, our baby is roughly the size of a large lime. And what do we do with limes? We squeeze them into deliciously refreshing margaritas, of long as the "we" in question doesn't include Holly!
Here's the latest update from the good folks at WebMD. Enjoy!

"You're 11 Weeks Pregnant. Your fetus, about the size of a large lime, measures
about 1.75 to 2.4 inches from crown to rump and weighs about three-tenths of an
ounce. About now the rapid "swooshing" noises of the heartbeat may be heard
using an electronic Doppler device. Fingernails and external genitalia are
showing distinguishing characteristics, and the baby is swallowing and kicking,
although you still won't feel it. Your uterus is almost big enough to fill your
pelvis and may be felt in your lower abdomen. You may also be seeing changes in
your hair, skin, fingernails or toenails."

The question now, of course, is when we'll be able to see for ourselves whether we've got a little boy or a little girl. The answer: probably in a few weeks. Doctors will generally perform an ultrasound at 20 weeks to determine the baby's gender, but we've got a friend who may be
able to do it at 16 weeks if we're nice to her. I'll be sure to keep everyone updated. Until next time...have a great day!

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Shrimpy Shrimperton!

From the weekly files of Holly's online pregnancy updates. Enjoy!

Your baby is now officially considered a "fetus." It looks a little like a medium sized shrimp, measuring 1.25 to 1.68 inches from crown to rump, and weighing a little less than two-tenths of an ounce. The most critical part of your baby's development is behind you. But other developmental processes, such as those affecting behavior and intelligence, will continue throughout pregnancy. You still probably don't look pregnant, but you may not be fitting into your regular clothes. The fatigue, moodiness, and morning sickness associated with the first trimester of pregnancy is likely still present, but these symptoms shouldn't last too much longer.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Strawberry Fields Forever...

Honestly, today's post has absolutely nothing to do with the classic Beatles tune. The simple implication here is that, according to WebMD, our baby should be roughly the size of a strawberry at this point. Awesome! Holly's about 9 weeks along now, and she gets great weekly update e-mails from the folks at WebMD. I'll be doing my best to post those here so that everyone can keep up with where we are in the process. Enjoy!

You're nine weeks pregnant! Your embryo measures about 0.9 inches to 1.2 inches from crown to rump (note to Hopie here...RUMP!!!), or the size of a strawberry. The arms and legs are getting longer, and the fingers might be a little swollen where the touch pads are forming. The head is more erect and the neck is more developed. Your baby now moves its body and limbs, and this movement can be visible during an ultrasound, but you won't be able to feel it yet.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Holy crap! I (almost) have a Kindergartener!!

It's true...Chris is getting old. How old, you ask? So old that we registered him for KINDERGARTEN yesterday! It's truly amazing how quickly the past five years have flown past. It seems like just a couple of years ago that we were taking my sisters down to the bus stop for their first days of school...
Anyway, I don't want to wax nostalgic or anything. Just thought I should share. Here's a picture of Chris at his new school. The reason that he looks less than happy is that he was completely exhausted from a trip to the circus. Enjoy! :-)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Mr. Whizzer!

** - Note to non-parents: The following post will be meaningless, and frankly a little odd to you...get over it!

One of the great joys of parenthood is the seeming endless carousel of dirty and wet diapers that you get to change. Then, one day, it happens...your child decides he wants to wear - wait for it - UNDERPANTS! This day actually came a few weeks ago for Matthew, and we've been sending him to school in underpants ever since. The funny part so far, though, has been that he usually only made it about half-way through the day before he invariably had an accident. Always prepared, we sent him to school with back-up pants and a full complement of pull-ups (think Depends for kids).

A few minor accidents aside, Matthew was cruising along nicely. He made it almost the entire day on Tuesday, but missed the full-day mark by about three minutes - he had an accident just before Holly picked him up. But yesterday (cue herald angels singing, trumpets blaring, etc.) he made it all the way through the day! WHOO HOO!

There's truly nothing more exciting than knowing that the days of Matthew diapers are almost behind us. Granted, we've got another two-plus years ahead of us with the arrival of 3.0, but we can totally handle it!

Anyway, just wanted to congratulate The Moo. Have a great day!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009



What do these words have in common? They all perfectly describe how I feel about the following announcement... Holly is pregnant!!!!!

That's right! The imminent arrival of Baby Johnston Three-Point-Oh (as we've come to call it) was confirmed this morning by Holly's doctor, and we couldn't be more excited, enthusiastic, or elated!

We (I say "we," but we all know that I really mean Holly) are about 8 weeks along, which gives us a due date of sometime around the end of September. We had an ultrasound this morning, and everything looks great. There's a heartbeat, and our baby looks something like a little lima bean at this point. In the coming weeks, it'll take on the size of other edible objects (though there are those who would argue the edibility of lima beans!), which I'll do my best to keep up with here. I'll also be sure to keep the blog updated with ultrasound photos when possible. There should be another one here in about four weeks, so keep your eyes peeled.

Holly's doing great, though she's been really tired so far. It's actually kind of like having a third child in the house already...she's constantly hungry, and she goes to bed at 8:30! :-) (Love you, Holly...don't kill me!)

The boys are also very excited, and were the ones who got to break the big news to my parents. We bought them both shirts that said "Big Brother," then let the boys take it from there. They grabbed Mom and Dad, and said, "Look at our new shirts!" There was a brief moment of silence, then Dad said, "Wait a minute...TWO big brothers?!?" What followed can only be described as a melee. Hugs were flying around the room at light speed, and my mom's excitement was probably audible about a mile away!

We took a few pictures of the boys in their new shirts, then sent them to Holly's folks as part of a birthday card that we sent her dad (Happy Birthday, Mike!). Thinking (correctly so, I might add) that they may not catch the subtleties of the "Big Brother" shirts, Holly signed the card, "Love, Holly, Brian, Chris, The Moo (Matthew, for the uninitiated), and Baby 3.0". Since we weren't there in person to witness the excitement, all I can tell you is that the phone call I received after they got the card was filled with the same level of excitement exhibited by my parents...though for some reason I was branded a "little stinker" by my mother-in-law. Presumably, this stemmed from my not having told her sooner.

I've attached a picture from our ultrasound this morning, as well as the tell-tale photo that we used to share the news with the in-laws. Hope you enjoy! :-)

Monday, February 16, 2009

El Nino Karaoke

A few weeks ago, I put up a post about Chris's love for Larry Gatlin and the Gatlin Brothers, and their smash hit, "Broken Lady." Today, I'm pleased to say that Matthew has joined the ranks of Karaoke Kids with his intense desire to sing along in SPANISH (!!) with Andrea Bocelli's "Pero Te Extrano" (which roughly translates to "I miss you"). I'm not sure how we got into this particular realm of music with The Moo, but I can say this...for a VERY long time, this song served as our "calm The Moo down" music. If Matthew was out of control, cranky, or otherwise unpleasant in the car, all we had to do was play this song, and he'd calm down almost instantly.

After a few months of self-calming with the song, though, it appears that Matthew thinks he's a blind tenor! He asks for the song by name ("Strano, Daddy! Strano!"), and then proceeds to sing right along with Bocelli. The funniest part, though, is the soaring "PERO TE EXTRANO" that gets both Matthew AND Chris singing at the tops of their lungs. It's absolutely hysterical, and I'll do what I can to post video of it sooner as opposed to later. :-)

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

The Fight Against Fat-Assery...Redux

** - The following post in no way, shape, or form relates to my children, their cuteness, or their inherent funniness. It's simply a post about me. Selfish? Probably. Enjoy all the same...

Just a quick update on my battle against fat-assery...did you know that a chicken bake from the Costco deli has over NINE HUNDRED calories and FIFTY GRAMS of FAT?!?!? I ate one for lunch today, then came back to the office and Googled the "nutrition information" for it, and I was completely blown away!! I could have had almost TWO BIG MACs for that amount of caloric intake. Seems it's not just Costco's packs of toilet paper that are meant for fat asses! :-)