Monday, August 10, 2009

The Great Outdoors

So last week, the boys and I decided that it would be fun to camp out in our front yard. Actually, our next door neighbor suggested that a campout with him and his little girl would be fun, but he ultimately ended up bailing out (sucker!). So...

...on Thursday afternoon the boys and I set out to pitch our tent in the front yard, and immediatedly called in friend reinforcements for a great time in the great outdoors. Chris's friend Griffin joined us for the festivities, and we couldn't have had more fun! The boys played in the yard until about 10:45, then we hit the tent for some shut-eye...yeah, right! Ever tried to get two five-year-olds and a three-year-old to go to sleep when YOU want them to? IMPOSSIBLE!

Instead, the boys decided they'd take turns telling scary stories. Chris (of course) started off with the tale of a witch who had lost her powers, and was searching all over for a new source of power (no idea where this came from!). Naturally, he had a flashlight under his chin, and ended all sentences with long, drawn-out woooooorrrrrddddsss...oooooohhhhh! Spoooooky! When he was done, he passed the light to Griffin, and the stories continued.

At about 11:30, we heard a strange growling coming from outside the tent. Needless to say, the boys were pretty freaked out, and all huddled against the side of the tent to see what was going on. The growling continued, and grew in both volume and ferocity, until... I shined the light outside to reveal that our neighbor, Alan (the one who bailed on us!) was the culprit! Sneakly little monkey, that Alan...

Anyway, the boys got a great kick out their little scare, and immediately incorporated the "bear" into the scary stories. I'm pretty sure I passed out somewhere in the middle of story time, but woke up at about 12:15 to find myself surrounded by conked-out kiddos. Needless to say, a great time was had by all...even if we WERE exhausted the next day!

You can check out more pictures from the evening by clicking here. Enjoy!

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