Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Picture Time!

Given that The Matthew spent the better part of the first week of his life with wires, hoses, and the like sticking out of his little head like a Snork, there wasn't much opportunity to get a very professional shot of him. Still, the folks at Northside did everything they could to get a good shot of him prior to our leaving the hospital. Matthew was somewhat less than cooperative, leading to a nice afternoon out last week with a trip to Kiddie Kandids at Toys 'R Us.

If you haven't heard of these guys before, they do a PHENOMENAL job of capturing the inherent cuteness of munchkins of all ages. We took the boys (in their matching "Big Brother/Little Brother" outfits, of course) to Kiddie Kandids to fill the photography gap, and what a great job!

You can see the results by clicking here.
To see all the pictures, you'll need the following information as well:
Sitting Number: 564010051
Sitting Code: 2EX32C


The Honeymoon's Over!

So just when you think Chris is completely enamored with the idea of having "The Matthew" around, the bottom drops out...

We were putting Chris to bed the other night when Matthew started fussing a little bit (time once again for an ever-so-tasty bottle of Isomil!). As we were right in the middle of a story at the time, this made Chris none-too-happy as you might imagine. In a stark contrast to his loving request to keep Matthew, Chris looked at us (completely disgusted and visibly irritated) and said, "Mommy, I want to take Matthew back to the hospital!"

Holly handled it well, of course, but it took everything in our power not to crack up right there on the spot. Guess the little guy is fighting for his right to party... :-)