Monday, June 29, 2009

It Starts...

First, a note from friends at WebMD...

Congratulations, Holly! You're 27 weeks pregnant. Your baby measures about 9.6 inches from crown to rump, and weighs a little more than 2 pounds. Hands are active and muscle coordination is such that he can get his thumb into his mouth. Thumb-sucking calms the baby and strengthens his cheek and jaw muscles. Your baby can cry now, too.

OK, thumb-sucking jokes aside here, how wrong is it that kids can start crying when we can't even HEAR them?!? Is it not enough that Tyler will spend the majority of his first few months engaged in this very activity (when he's not eating, sleeping, or pooping, that is)? No, no...gotta' have some in-utero crying to go along with it, too. WOW!

Even funnier in this? That's it's just sort of thrown in there as some sort of after thought! "Oh, and by the know that sound that's going to keep you to a maximum of two hours of sleep for the first three months of your baby's life? He's making it NOW...and he's PISSED about it!"

For whatever reason, this post totally me think of the Family Guy episode where the family is celebrating Stewie's first birthday. Stewie has a flashback to his in-utero days, and it's priceless. Enjoy!

Family Guy - Stewie's Birthday
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More Dancing Babies...or Ooga Chaka, Ooga Chaka!

First, this note from our friends at WebMD...

Congratulations, Holly! You're 26 weeks pregnant. Your baby measures about 9.2 inches from crown to rump and weighs almost 2 pounds now. Its hearing is full developed. As the fetus reacts to sounds, its pulse increases. Your baby will even move in rhythm to music. Lungs are growing but are not yet mature. Patterns of your baby's brain waves appear like a full-term newborn. It also has patterns of sleeping and waking. The baby's constant movements should be reassuring. You'll be putting on weight at the rate of about 1 pound per week now. You may be feeling some rib pain as your baby grows and pushes upward on your rib cage. admittedly I've already blogged about dancing babies. In restrospect, I now feel sort of ripped off that I went that route so early. So, if you want to see a dancing baby video, please feel free to click here to see my earlier post.

In the meantime, I find it hard to believe that:
A. Tyler will have rhythm at all given his parents, and
B. That his moving "in rhythm to music" would look anything unlike the following...