Monday, November 02, 2009

P90X (Or, "Getting My Ass Kicked by Tony Horton")

So today I started on the vaunted P90X workout program. I have to admit that I'm usually HIGHLY skeptical of anything that I've seen on an informercial, but that stupid thing sucked me in immediately and never let go. I wasn't sure that I believed the TV hype, so I sent out a Facebook message a few weeks ago asking about people's experience with the program.

The responses were immediate and overwhelmingly positive. The most common response..."It totally kicked my ass, and I was exhausted after the workouts. But it WORKED!"

Fast-forward to a few weeks later, and I now have my very own - very borrowed - copy of the program (thanks Tim and Alyson!). I've finally read through all of the pre-work and the diet plan, and I've set myself up for success by getting most of the necessary items (skipped the protein bars and powders for now, but we'll see...).

Today was my first workout, and I'm here to tell you that Tony Horton WILL kick your ass! WOW! The first workout is chest and back, and consists of 12 different exercises performed twice. You run through the first set, then do the same exercises again in a different order. By the end of the first, I was almost completely exhausted and was absolutely dripping with sweat. My arms hurt, I was breathing insanely hard, and I thought I was going to barf. Then I had to go through it all AGAIN! I persevered, but there was no way that I was going to be able to keep up with the insane pace the guys (and gal!) on screen were keeping. Still, I made it through the first workout alive, and was pretty psyched for tomorrow...until I realized that there was still a 15-minute ab workout to do.

Are you kidding me? I may drop dead here on the floor, and you want me to do MORE? Alright, fine...but I'm NOT happy about it. Needless to say, the Ab Ripper X workout continued Tony Horton's (that's the host, by the way) butt-kicking. In the end, I was completely spent, and I actually ended up loving it.

We'll see how the rest of the program progresses, but if it's always this intense, I'm hoping to be ripped by next spring. BRING IT!


Liz94 said...


With Grace, NiKKi said...

Tony always kicks my ass! But I love it!!!