Tuesday, June 16, 2009

And Now Here's Something We Hope You'll Really Like...

Sorry for the Rocky and Bullwinkle theme...something got me going on that earlier today, and now it's just stuck in my head.

And now here's something I hope you'll really like...an update from our friends at WebMD!

Congratulations, Holly! You're 25 Weeks Pregnant. Your developing baby now measures about 8.8 inches from crown to rump and weighs 1.5 pounds. Skin now becomes opaque instead of transparent. Its body is still covered with folds of skin like a puppy that need to grow into its skin. The heartbeat can be heard through a stethoscope or, depending on the position of the baby, by others putting an ear against your belly. Besides your uterus growing upward, it may be getting bigger on the sides of your abdomen.

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