Tuesday, July 07, 2009

What Do Babies Dream About?

First, this note from our friends at WebMD...

Congratulations, Holly! You're 28 weeks pregnant. Your baby measures about 10 inches from crown to rump, or a total length of about 15.75 inches from head to toe, and weighs about 2.4 pounds. He is able to dream when sleeping, and his eyelids open and close. His lungs are almost fully developed, so there's a good chance that your baby would survive if born prematurely. Your uterus extends well above your navel. As your baby gets bigger and stronger this month, you may experience leg cramps and mild swelling of ankles and feet, difficulty sleeping, shortness of breath, lower abdominal aches, clumsiness or scattered Braxton Hicks contractions (hardening and relaxing of the uterus). These contractions are normal, but if they start showing a pattern, call your health care provider.

First of all, how amazing is it that babies can DREAM while they're still in-utero? Second of all...what the heck do you suppose they dream ABOUT? They don't have any life experience to speak of, other than that of growing progressively larger every day, so that really only leaves memories of the fertilization process itself. Ick...

Also amazing to me is that women can handle all of the ridiculous things that come along with being pregnant. Holly is currently experiencing all of the maladies listed by WebMD, AND she has to deal with ME! This is no small feat, ladies and gentlemen. The only thing that men have to compare this amount of discomfort to is being kicked in the, uh, nether-region. While this is excrutiatingly painful, the pain (and subsequent nausea) only lasts for about an hour or so after the fact. You ladies deal with this nonsense for NINE MONTHS! Incredible...

That's enough canonization of women for one day, but seriously...I'm impressed that anyone lives to tell about being pregnant!

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