Thursday, August 20, 2009

The...Penis on the Bus?!?!?

Chalk this one up to another proud moment for fathers everywhere...

This afternoon, Chris got off the bus and told me that the bus driver wanted to talk to me. I eyed him suspiciously (Chris, that is...not the driver), and asked him if he was in trouble. Naturally, he assured me that he had been a perfect angel all the way home, and that he couldn't possibly be in trouble...HA!

After all of the kids had climbed off of the bus, I warily approached to chat with the driver. He leans down close so that he's out of ear shot of the kids in the front seat, and says to me, "He (meaning Chris) was yelling 'PENIS' pretty loudly on the way home. I thought I'd let you take care of that one."

NICE, CHRIS! Obviously, we cornered him to see exactly what the heck he was thinking. Thinking quickly and blaming the powers of peer pressure, Chris assured us that yelling out "PENIS!" on the bus had been the brain child of some other kid named Gabe. We told him that, of course, yelling "PENIS!" on the bus is completely unacceptable, and that if anyone tells him that he should do it again, he is to tell them that it's inappropriate, and that he won't be doing it.

This CLEARLY falls into the category of "I need to yell at my kid, but I can barely keep a straight face while I'm doing it." They NEVER tell you that you're going to have to deal with things like this as a parent...consider yourself warned! :-)