Thursday, September 10, 2009

Home Stretch, Baby!

First, this note from our friends at WebMD:

You're 37 Weeks Pregnant. Your baby is about 21 inches from head to toe and weighs almost 6.5 pounds. Pregnancy is getting rounded every day, and skin is getting pinker and losing its wrinkly appearance. Your baby's head is usually positioned down into the pelvis by now. Your uterus may stay the same size as it was for the last week or two. Your weight gain should be about as high as it will go, about 25 to 35 pounds. About this time, your doctor might perform a pelvic exam to help judge the progress of your pregnancy.

HA! Though we're officially considered to be in the "home stretch" at this point (2 weeks from yesterday!!), the last statement here cracks me up. Not because it's not accurate, mind's just that the idea that Holly would progress anywhere close to someting approximating labor is hilarious.

Chris basically held on to the umbillical cord for dear life, and Matthew showed absolutely NO signs of wanting to be born on time. Those experiences prompted our doctor to tell Holly, "I'm not even going to bother with the exams for the next couple of weeks unless you really feel like something's happening. Otherwise, all we're doing is making you uncomfortable." Now, THAT'S a great doctor! :-)

Two more weeks 'til Tyler's here!!!!!

Busy Bees...

First, this note from our friends at WebMD:

You're 36 Weeks Pregnant. Your baby measures about 20.7 inches from head to toe and weighs about 6 pounds. The baby may drop lower in your abdomen, usually assuming the head-down position. You're in the home stretch; after this week, you'll be seeing your doctor weekly. You may be alternating between feeling exhausted and having extra bursts of energy.

This last statement could hardly be more true. It's amazing to me that Holly can go from cleaning everything in sight and buzzing around the house like a demented bee (it's early...that's the best I've got!) to completely crashed in about 3 seconds. On the positive side, our house is getting VERY clean! The only negative side effect is that I'm starting to nest, too. So far, I've added a ceiling fan to our guest room, redone the guest bathroom, and painted my office/desk. Who knows what'll come next?

Just Breathe...

First, this note from our friends at WebMD:

You're 35 Weeks Pregnant. Your baby measures about 20.25 inches from head to toe and weighs more than 5.5 pounds. Lungs are almost fully developed, but if born now the baby would probably be put in an incubator. It still doesn't have enough fat deposits beneath its skin to keep warm outside your womb. Your uterus is about six inches above your navel. By now your weight gain is probably between 24 and 29 pounds. Discomfort and sleeping problems are common around this time. It won't be too much longer.

It's hard to believe that our little guy is almost done "cooking." Even more amazing is that, if he were born today, he'd be OK and ready to go. Can't wait to meet him!!!