Friday, April 27, 2007

Dirty Words

I was reading Jenn & Tym's blog today, and a post from "Cousin Johnny" got me riled up a little bit. Johnny was complaining about a friend of his who had recently had a baby. When he visited said child, a curse word inadvertently escaped his lips. This utterance prompted the happy mother to say "Uh oh, uncle johnny owes you a dollar!" From there, as you can imagine, Uncle Johnny called BS and railed about parents asking other people to control their langauge around the kids instead of just telling them, "I know Uncle Johnny said that, but WE do NOT." Below is the comment that I left on their blog...enjoy!

Cousin ROCK! Thanks for saying what absolutely needed to be said! I have two little monkeys of my own, and we have very few qualms about using the occasional (or even frequent, as was the case a few nights ago) curse word around our kids. Since our youngest just turned one and can pretty much only say "Mama" and "Dada," I'm really not worried about him him repeating anything unpleasant. My three-year-old, on the other hand, pretty much repeats everything we say. He's like a little parrot, but he's smart enough to know the difference between what he can get away with and a "potty word" (pretty sissy, I know, but it works!).
The thing that really gets to me is the names and words that people come up with for anatomical extremities (or cavities, for that matter), the materials that flow from those areas. In case you're missing out, I'm talking about plumbing here, people. The words penis and vagina are NOT dirty, nor are pee or poop. I've heard a never-ending string of euphemisms for these over the past three years, and they're just plain stupid! Tee Tee, Wee Wee, Poo Poo...Just call it what it is, Mom and Dad! Our oldest son was at daycare one day and told the teacher he had to pee while he was already sitting down to poop. The teacher said, "Just remember to point your Tee Tee down!" Chris just looked at her for a minute, then said, "It's not my Tee Tee. It's my penis!" As if to say...GET IT STRAIGHT LADY!

Just sayin'...