Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Apologies to a Puzzle

Here's another one for the "you really had to be there" file...

We were at my folks house not too long ago, and Chris was up to no good. He'd been pretty cranky all day, but the final straw had officially been reached and he'd completely lost control. He absolutely refused to sit still, wouldn't pick up his toys, and was generally being a typical two-year-old (shocking!).

In an effort to calm Chris down, my mom offered him a small 4-piece puzzle...the type you might find in The Dollar Spot of your local Target store. Instead of graciously accepting said puzzle with a nice, "Thank you Grandma," Chris proceeded to throw the puzzle to the ground and stomp away.

In what can only be described as a "Why the hell would anyone say THAT?" moment, I chased him down and grabbed him only to follow up with the following:

In the most stern and angry-sounding voice I could manage (I was already laughing pretty hard at his complete inability to be rational), I said, "Grandma was very nice to give you that puzzle, and you just threw it on the ground. Now you go APOLOGIZE TO THAT PUZZLE RIGHT NOW!" At this point the entire family lost their capacity to maintain straight faces. The room erupted, and I darn near dropped Chris as I was laughing so hard. Tears streaming down my face, I attempted to regain my composure and lecture the demon-child.

But the damage was done... Chris now knew that we couldn't keep ourselves together, and proceeded to pick the puzzle up only to throw it down once more for comedic effect. This went on for a good five minutes before we finally just picked the damn thing up ourselves and went on our merry way.

Again, you really had to be there. Still, it's yet another notch for the "I can't believe I just said that" column.

Forced Farts and Fun

So the other night we were putting the finishing touches on Matthew's (# 2's) room, and Chris comes strolling (or toddling, as the case may be) in for a visit. We spent the appropriate amount of time cooing over him to assure him that he's not going to play second fiddle to the new baby or anything, when I suddenly felt an old familiar rumble. Leaning back and grinning like a lunatic, I launched a rather substantial fart. Holly was naturally disgusted by my ass blast, and turned up her nose in protest. Chris, on the other hand, found this to be hilarious and nearly fell over with laughter.

He stretched himself out face-down on the floor and, with a mighty arch of his tiny little back coupled with a Maria Sharapova-esque grunt, launched an equally impressive ringer of his own! Laughing hysterically, he looked over to me and said, "I toot, Daddy!"

For some reason, his fart was rather less irritating to Holly; she could barely hold herself up... Guess it's that whole maternal instinct thing. You know...it's cuter if it's coming out of something that you carried around for 9 months and whatnot.

Regardless, it was one heck of a proud parenting moment.

Beer For Babies...Revisited!

As a quick follow up to my original Beer For Babies entry, I'd like to submit the following story...

I'm sitting on the couch the other night watching TV and enjoying a drink of some kind when Chris, sippy-cup in hand, trots over and says, "Cheers Daddy!"...and clicks his cup to mine. I looked at Holly in shock, and she just shook her head.

We still have NO idea where this came from, but I'm willing to bet that we can blame a grandparent or two. Dad or Mike...anything on this one?