Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Movin' On Up!!

GREAT NEWS!! Last night at about 10:30 or so, my parents were down visiting Matthew when they overheard one of the nurses say, "The Johnston? Yes, they're up here...Oh! Just bring me one of the wooden cribs, then, please." To the average person, that probably means about jack...but to us, it meant that it was time for Matthew to leave the ICU and head to the transitional nursery!!!

Naturally this news caused Holly and I to jump in the van and haul ass down to the hospital so we could see him sans wires. And what a great trip it turned out to be! Not only did we get to spend nearly two hours with him, but we got to feed him, change him (twice!) and take his temperature, too. It was just like having him home (except for the whole institutional sterility thing)!!

He's slated to pretty much just spend today in transitional room, and we should have him home tomorrow!! Needless to say, we're overflowing with excitement. Can't wait to bring him home to meet his litle brother!


Anonymous said...

Of course you mean his BIG brother! We were thrilled to overhear the good news and help escort him to the new nursery. Now to get him home!

- Papa Dave

Anonymous said...

That just couldn't have been a more wonderful visit! How exciting it was to get to tell you our sweet little Matthew was "graduating!" Love you all! :-)