Friday, April 21, 2006

Mama I'm Coming Home (Revisited)!

Yesterday was such a wonderful day!! We finally got to pick up our little guy from the hospital...

Mom and Dad came down for the big day, as did Holly's mom Nancy. Of course, Chris came along. He was so excited about the whole deal that he was practically bursting out of his skin! We had to leave them all in the waiting room while we collected all of Matthew's goodies, and I came out at one point to go get the car. When I got to the waiting room with everything Chris came FLYING around the corner screaming at the top of his lungs, "BABY MATTHEW!!!" Completely adorable...

We finally got everything together and the nurse wheeled Holly and Matthew out of the nursery. Not sure why they have to wheel you out when you've been out of the hospital for 3 days, but whatever... Anyway, here we come rolling down the hall to a welcoming wall of smiles, hugs and camera flashes, as well as continued screams of "BABY MATTHEW!!" from Chris. What a cool experience!

The whole situation reminded me a bit of when Annie and Hope (my sisters, who are adopted and from Korea) arrived on their respective airplanes to Houston, where we lived at the time. You could cut the excitement in the air with a knife, and it was a great experience for everyone.

After we finally left the hospital, we went out to lunch with everyone. I know, I know...everyone tells you that you should wait two months or some nonsense before taking your baby out in public. What I can tell you from our experience with Chris is that has to be BS. We took him out when he was a week old, and haven't stopped since then. He's turned out absolutely wonderfully! But I've gotten off the topic...

We went out to lunch at On The Border, where Holly and I met and fell in love, and where most major events in our lives have taken place (met, fell in love, got engaged, first meals out for both of our kids, etc.). Lots of fun, and we ran into an old friend that I used to work with, so we got to show off the boys.

We also made a quick stop at work to show off everyone, then finally made it home by about 4:00. PHEW! We were exhausted! More to come later...

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