Monday, April 17, 2006

Hittin' The Bottle!

The day just keeps on getting better!! Not only did we get the call this morning that the numothorax was completely gone, but this afternoon we got to bottle feed him!

We went up to visit this morning at about 10:30, and the nurse on duty gave us the rundown. She told us that she'd like to keep an eye on his SATs (oxygen saturation levels...typcially between 90 & 100%) and his respiration to see how things went, and then would consider bottle feeding.

When she checked him for his 11:00 assessment, though, she found out that he was way ahead of the curve, and decided to lessen the amount of oxygen she was giving. We gave this a few minutes' worth of testing, and she thought his breathing was great. That being the case, she offered to let him try the bottle. Cool!

Holly got to hold him while he ate, and he drank like a champ! Even got his burps out without any assistance...guess he really IS a Johnston! :-) Holly continued holding him for almost two hours after that, which gave us ample in-between time to make it feeding time once again at 2:00.

MY TURN! I got to hold and feed Matthew this afternoon, and loved every minute of it!

Holly's getting her staples taken out right now, and we're slated to leave the hospital in about an hour or so. We're trying to figure out whether we want to risk the emotions of going back up to see him one more time, or whether it'd be better to check on him tomorrow when we come back for CPR classes...guess we'll have to see!


Anonymous said...

Well, if you DO go up and see him before you leave, tell him his grandma says "hi." :-) Love you guys! Hug LB #1 for us, and LB #2 if you see him. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hurrah!!!!for our babe. He's a winner.
Love, Grandma Bev
P.S. Mr.Chris will be mighty glad to have his mommie and daddy home.