Friday, January 23, 2009

The Fight Against Fat-Assery

** - The following post in no way, shape, or form relates to my children, their cuteness, or their inherent funniness. It's simply a post about me. Selfish? Probably. Enjoy all the same...

I recently discovered I was becoming a bit of a fat-ass. Nothing too serious, as I was weighing in at about 222. Still, that weight put me in the "overweight" category, and I wasn't too pleased about it. This being a new year and all, I decided to get off of the aforementioned fat ass and do something about it. After doing a bit of research online (always the bargain hunter!), I found several websites that offered great workout plans, calorie counters, etc. Among my favorites so far have been:
  • - A great fitness, health, calorie, and workout tracker. The biggest plus? It's free! Using the calorie counter to determine exactly what I'm taking in has really forced me to look at food in a whole new way, and I've become almost obsessive about keeping my daily intake under 2,300 calories.
  • - Truth About Abs was a site that I found sort of by accident, but it's given me some great ideas about weight loss, not the least of which is the site's position on cardio exercise, which it considers healthy but not the be-all, end-all of weight loss. Instead, it focuses on resistance training. The link listed above is actually a really great at-work workout that I've started using. Essentially, you take a few minutes each hour to complete the exercises listed, then get back to work. I've found it to be a great means of staying motivated and energized at work, and it does a great job of keeping my appetite in check.
  • - Not only is this a hilarious name for a fitness site, I really enjoy the updates and ideas that it offers.

I've only been keeping tabs on things for about two weeks, but I've lost about 4.5 pounds so far. Not exactly Biggest Loser-type results, but good enough to keep me motivated. Wish me luck...maybe the next time you see me I'll be a shadow of my former self!

1 comment:

Andee said...

You can do it!