Friday, August 08, 2008

Ring of Fire!

Alright...I'm REALLY not sure how this came to pass, but the boys are absolutely OBSESSED with Johnny Cash's Ring of Fire. I played it a couple of times in the car one day, and the next thing I know, they're asking for it by name on a daily basis!

It's strange enough that my 4 1/2-year-old and 2-year-old are making musical requests in the car other than The Wiggles or Sandra Boynton, but to have it be The Man in Black? Crazy! Think that's all the craziness I could cram into one posting? WRONG!

As it turns out, the boys have now mastered the art of Karaoke, too! Check out their rockin' Ring of Fire music video:


Anonymous said...

This is hilarious. And did i ever tell you that I'm a direct descendant of the same Cash family? Funny huh?

Tell Holly and the boys I said hello!

Andee said...

I love Ring of Fire! I just recently saw Walk the Line, and I had that song stuck in my head for over a week.

And hey! I'd rather them know Johnny Cash than some of the crap they have out today.