Thursday, June 21, 2007

Have You Had Your Paper Chicken Recently?

GEEZ! I didn't realize how far behind I'd fallen in my storytelling...this one's from Christmas of 2005!!!

It was time for Christmas pictures, and we were doing everything in our power to get Chris psyched up for a haircut and pictures. All day long, we promised him that if he behaved himself while getting his hair cut that we'd take him to get his picture taken. Not exactly a candy bar or a day at Chuck-E-Cheese's, but remember that he is, after all, my kid and as such is quite the ham. Anyway...the entire day Chris kept talking about getting his paper chicken, and we couldn't figure out what the heck he was talking about until we actually got to the photo studio. FINALLY it dawned on us...Paper Chicken = Picture Taken!

Add THAT to your Chris Johnston-to-English dictionary! :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gonna need to remember that.. you have this written down somewhere? Something tells me I'm gonna need it in a few years ;)