Thursday, August 17, 2006

Touchdown Buddies!

I just realized how long it's been since I've posted anything useful here, and I thought it'd be nice to give everyone a quick heads-up as to what's new with the Buddies. Since I'm a little short on time and creativity, I'll go with the good old-fashioned bullet point system:
  • Started potty training late last month, and has since almost completely gotten the hang of it (if you'll pardon the pun...guess I wasn't short on creativity after all!). He uses the bathroom all day, but still sleeps in a diaper just in case
  • We've rearranged his room so it feels more like a big-boy room. His bed is out away from the wall now because he didn't have any problems with falling out. The problem NOW, though, is that he likes to get out of bed in the middle of the night and crawl UNDER it!
  • You wouldn't believe how much this kid talks unless you heard it for yourself. He's got an AMAZING vocabulary, and can pretty much hold a normal conversation with you if you're patient with him.
  • ...couldn't be cuter!


  • Still working on rolling over. This has got to be the laziest kid on the planet! I swear he'd sleep all day if we'd let him. He does like to bat at his toys and everything; he just can't be bothered to chase them down!
  • Started on solid foods this weekend. We started him with yellow squash, and he's working on green beans right now.
  • He may be teething a little bit. He's got a bit of a white line under his gums, and he's constantly chewing on his hands. I'll keep updating on this if we have tooth action!
  • Sleeping through the night with ease. He'll have a bottle before he goes to bed at about 9:00, and sleeps until about 6:00 most mornings. We'll usually give him another bottle at that point, though, and go back to sleep for a while (especially on weekends).
  • ...also could not be cuter!

That's pretty much all for now. Now that I've remembered how to post, I'll need to go back through the notes I've kept about these two and post a bit more. Here are some pictures for everyone to ooh and ahh over.

Until next time...

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