Thursday, April 13, 2006

And Then There Were TWO!

Walking farts and contractions be damned!

The new little guy arrived this afternoon at 12:08 PM. He weighed in at a hefty 7 lbs, 12 oz, and is 20 inches long (that's the same as his height, not what you're thinking sicko!). He's absolutely beautiful, and looks so much like his big brother that it's almost scary...

The sucky thing is that he was whisked away from us shortly after being brought into the recovery room. His oxygen levels were a little low, so the nurse in there thought it would be good to send him up to the transitional nursery.

And it was a good call, too...apparently the little monkey has fluid in his lungs, and they need to keep him chock full of oxygen to help eliminate it. They say it's nothing to worry about, and that he'll be just fine in a few days. Still, it's been really rough on Holly to not be able to hang out with him, give him hugs and generally love on him.

She's really been a trooper though. She's fighting through the pain of the C-section, and dealing with all of the fun things that come along with that. All the while trying to entertain the various guests who've dropped by.

The crazy thing is that another one of our friends actually went into labor this afternoon, too. She was originally due sometime next week, and her doctor hand't given her any indication that things would happen any sooner, but here she is in the labor and delivery room while we're sitting in our recovery/post-op room. Guess our little guy'll have a nice new girlfriend to play with!

All in all, a stressful but extremely memorable and wonderful day!

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