Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Irrational Fears

So I understand that kids have all kinds of irrational fears, but this one officially takes the cake...

The other night we were putting Chris to bed, and we follow our nightly ritual of "blowing the light out." Chris puffs up his little cheeks and blows with all his might toward the lights switch. The overhead light goes out, and the nightlight kicks in. This is where the trouble started...

Chris starts to whine and points at the nightlight. I ask him what the deal is, and he says, "There's a monster in there, Daddy!" Thinking he must SURELY be pointing at the closet like a normal kid, I say, "You mean in the closet, buddy?" "No, Daddy," he says, "in the light! Make it go away!"

No lie, we had to turn OFF his nightlight to get him to calm down! I've heard of kids being afraid of the dark...but afraid of the LIGHT? That's got to be a first...

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